You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.9. REPORTS Menu > 1.9.2. Reports - Report Generator > Report Generator - Options Menu > Options - Options > Report Options - Mail
Report Options - Mail

You can setup email options for your reports such as whether a delivery report is sent when the report is emailed, whether the attachment name is included in the subject line, and whether the report is sent as HTML in the body of the email or as an attachment.

  1. Display the Report Options screen.

Refer to "Options - Options".

  1. Select the Mail button.

Micronet displays the Email Options screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Don't ask Email Address



Block Main Attachment



Send Email Summary

Select Yes if you want Micronet to send a delivery report when the report is emailed


Include Attachment in Subject

Select Yes if you want Micronet to set the name of the attachment as the Subject of the email.


Send HTML Email in Body

Select Yes if you want the report created as HTML in the body of the email message, rather than being sent as an attachment. If you want the report sent as a PDF, CSV or Excel attachment, select No.

  1. Select OK.

Micronet redisplays the Report Options screen.